Compound Swivel (Multi Angle) for Ornamental Fence
Compound Swivel (Multi Angle) for Ornamental Fence

Compound Swivel (Multi Angle) for Ornamental Fence

Regular price $9.99
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  • Compounding Swivel hinge is designed to provide exceptional strength and stability, while also making it easy to open and close your gate.
  • With its unique design, the Compounding Swivel can support more weight than traditional gate hinges, making it ideal for larger or heavier gates.
  • This helps prevent sagging or warping over time, ensuring that your gate remains sturdy and secure.
  • In addition, the swivel feature reduces friction and resistance, making it easier to open and close your gate even in challenging weather conditions.
  • This makes the Compounding Swivel an excellent choice for areas with high winds or other environmental factors.